Author Digital Services (ADS) is a labor of love. Launched by writers for writers, our team leverages over fifty years of combined professional and writing experience to serve authors along all points of the writing journey. ADS principles possess the following qualifications:
- An MFA (Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction and Fiction)
- A Juris Doctor (California Law degree, with honors, Valedictorian)
- A Google Analytics Certification
- Adobe Analytics Certification
- Paralegal Certification
- 25+ years Marketing Specialist
- Certified Genealogist
- Freelance Editor with over 25 years’ experience
- Over 30 years Web, Intranet, and Internet Development
- Agented Author (With Books and Such) with 8 published works, and two slated to be published in 2020
- And the president of Inspire Christian Writers
- Design and Launch your Author Website
- Edit and Critique your Work in Progress
- Help with Research
- Build a Book Landing Page
- Amend and Improve your current Website
- Develop a Marketing Plan
- Assist with all steps of Self-Publishing
- Build a Beautiful Blog
- Implement an Analytics Strategy
- Pinpoint your Target Audience
- Help you write a Proposal
- Provide Writing Coaching Services
- Develop a Book Launch Strategy
- Format your KDP or Kindle Manuscript
- Design and implement an Online Bookstore
- Consult on all steps of the Writing Journey