Who We Are & What We Do
Leveraging 50 years of experience on your behalf
Author Websites
Select from our Sample Sites
Author Website Samples
Nicky Gould
This modern design offers a wealth of customization options and is fully responsive
Olivia McLean
A traditional design offering full functionality across all devices with many options
Katherine Sampson
A clean, basic design but still with many options and fully responsive
The Victorian Bride
The ideal landing page to showcase your book, with optional online purchasing
Manuscript Formatting
Not only can we lay out your manuscript correctly but we can also prepare it for publication as a Kindle eBook or a print book with KDP.
Additional Services
Editing & Critique
Substantive editing, copy editing, and critiquing
Writing & Publishing Coach
Single or ongoing consultations
Assisted Self-Publishing
Help with each step of the self-publishing journey
Analytics & Data
Learn about your website traffic with Google Analytics
Fiction & NF Research
Specializing in historical, genealogical, and legal research
Other Author Services
Everything from help with proposals and one-pages to blogging